New College, University of Edinburgh
“Peter–Apocalyptic Seer”

“Peter–Apocalyptic Seer”

Another of our recent PhD graduates, John R. Markley, has had his thesis published in a respected monograph series:  John R. Markley, Peter–Apocalyptic Seer (WUNT 2.348; Tuebingen:  Mohr Siebeck, 2013.  Congratulations, John!

The focus of the book is on the question of whether/how the portrayal of Peter in the Gospel of Matthew was shaped by the apocalyptic genre.  Markley argues affirmatively, proposed that in Matthew the figure of Peter is presented as more than a disciple and positive or negative example, but also as an exclusive recipient of revelation of Jesus’ significance.

My colleague, Paul Foster, acted as primary supervisor for the thesis (and has a good reputation for guiding PhD students to success in their work).

  • CSCO Team,
  • 4th October 2013

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