New College, University of Edinburgh
N. T. Wright on New Testament PhD Programs in the UK

N. T. Wright on New Testament PhD Programs in the UK

We don’t like to blow our own trumpets here at Edinburgh – we let N. T. Wright do it for us. Over at the Jesus Blog, Tom was asked where in the UK he recommended for a PhD in New Testament. This is what he had to say:

I sort of declare an interest here. We have a world-class program here at St. Andrews, so of course I would say you must come to St. Andrews. But experience in the last few years is that folk have either been coming to us, Edinburgh, to Durham?some to Oxford to work with Markus Bockmuehl, some to Cambridge?but talking to students, it appears that they think that St. Andrews, Edinburgh, Durham are the three which are exciting at the moment.

Well, we wouldn’t disagree with that. Thanks Tom!

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