New College, University of Edinburgh
Call for Papers: BNTC New Testament and Second Temple Judaism Seminar

Call for Papers: BNTC New Testament and Second Temple Judaism Seminar

We at Edinburgh are proud to be hosting this year’s British New Testament Conference (3-5 September 2015); see for conference details. I am chair of the New Testament and Second Temple Judaism Seminar of the BNTC, which promises several very interesting sessions this year. We will have one on the hypothesis of a continuing exile motif in the Second Temple period, with papers from Philip Alexander (Manchester) and N. T. Wright (St. Andrews), and another on ideologies of animal sacrifice in early Judaism and early Christianity, with papers from Philippa Townsend (Edinburgh) and David Moffitt (St. Andrews). For the third, open session, the Seminar invites fitting paper proposals for consideration. Proposals (ca. 300 words) should be sent to me by email ( no later than 17 April 2015.

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