“Chuen King” in Chinese literally means “communicating scripture”. This is the name of the lectureship which is established in memory of Mr. Wong
Chuen-king by his son Mr. Wong Bing-lai who believes in the power of biblical message. While the Bible is the primary source for Christian theology, it also
witnesses the process of contextualizing the World of God in different ages and among different people. Today in Asia the main concern is to contextualize
Christian theologies, which have been developed in the West for almost two thousand years, in their own contexts.
Previous lectures have been given by Prof Choon Leung Seow, Prof Elisabeth Shussler Fiorenza, Prof Richard Bauckham and Richard B. Hays.
On 24–28 February 2016, Professor Timothy Lim, of The University of Edinburgh, New College and the CSCO team, will deliver three lectures on The Canon of Jewish Scriptures: From Authoritative Scriptures to Canon, Dual and Graded Authority of Scriptures in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Holy Scriptures, Human Canon.
For more information, or to register if you are in Hong Kong and would like to attend, follow this link.
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