New College, University of Edinburgh

New in the Oxford Handbook of Pauline Sudies: Nijay Gupta on pistis Christou in Paul

“Have scholars made any progress in the pistis Christou discussion in the last twenty years? I think the answer is yes. Debates on the basis of syntax are all but gone, and good riddance! Also, scholars are taking a more comprehensive approach, widening the scope of study to include parallels and similar phrases from elsewhere in the New Testament, Jewish, Greek, and Roman literature of antiquity, and also in early reception of Paul. The most beneficial conversations today about pistis Christou tend to involve arguments related to specific texts and their meanings in literary and historical contexts. What does the future hold? Alongside ongoing study of early reception, there are important conversations happening about the meaning of pistis in Paul, early Judaism, and early Christianity (see Bates 2017; Morgan 2017; Downs and Lappenga 2019; Pifer 2019; Gupta 2020). And, as far as I am concerned, newer approaches beyond the [subjective genitive] and [objective genitive] are warmly welcome.”

–Nijay K. Gupta, “Paul and Pistis Christou,” in Oxford Handbook of Pauline Studies

  • CSCO Team,
  • 17th July 2020

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